
Summary The Danish DPA (Datatilsynet) has imposed a fine of EUR 27,000 on Vejle municipality. The Danish DPA had started investigations against the municipality after it had reported a data breach pursuant to Art. 33 GDPR. The municipal dental care service had sent automated welcome letters to both parents as part of the treatment of children, which contained the contact details of both parents. In this process, the municipality had not checked whether it was permitted to pass the information on to the other parent. In several cases, parents thus received the address of the other parent, regardless of whether the other parent had name and address protection. The DPA considered this to be a failure of the municipality to take technical and organizational measures to ensure adequate data protection.
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Related articles:  Art. 32 GDPR
Type: Insufficient technical and organisational measures to ensure information security
Fine: EUR 27,000
Sector Public Sector and Education


All data is based on The CMS’s Law GDPR Enforcement Tracker Source:

Tags: case law