
Summary The Swedish DPA has imposed a fine of EUR 152,000 on the Uppsala hospital board. The fine is the result of an investigation by the Uppsala Region (the regional board and the hospital board). DPA had received two reports of incidents involving personal data from Uppsala region. The incidents involved sensitive personal health data that was transferred unencrypted to recipients inside and outside Sweden. Accordingly, Uppsala University Hospital had sent emails containing patient data to patients and senders in third countries without encryption. In addition, the hospital administration had stored sensitive personal data in the Outlook email hosting service. For this reason, the DPA found that the hospital board had not taken sufficient technical and organizational measures to protect the data from unauthorized access.
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Related articles:  Art. 5 (1) f) GDPR, Art. 32 (1) GDPR
Type: Insufficient technical and organisational measures to ensure information security
Fine: EUR 152,000
Sector Health Care


All data is based on The CMS’s Law GDPR Enforcement Tracker Source:

Tags: case law