
Summary The French DPA has imposed a fine of EUR 1,000,000 on TotalEnergies Electricité et Gaz France.

As part of its investigation, the DPA found that the controller had violated its information obligations under Art. 14 GDPR by failing to provide data subjects with sufficient information during telephone contact about the processing of their personal data for advertising purposes. In addition, the company did not comply with the data subjects’ requests to object to the processing of their personal data for advertising purposes. Furthermore, the controller did not respond to requests from data subjects in a timely manner, contrary to its obligation under Art. 12 GDPR.

Link: link link
Related articles:  Art. 14 GDPR, Art. 15 GDPR, Art. 21 GDPR
Type: Insufficient fulfilment of data subjects rights
Fine: EUR 1,000,000
Sector Transportation and Energy


All data is based on The CMS’s Law GDPR Enforcement Tracker Source:

Tags: case law