Summary | The Italian DPA has imposed a fine of EUR 1,500 on the school ‘Direzione Didattica Statale 1° Circolo-Eboli’. The educational institution had sent a document containing the names of all teachers and students, as well as health data of some students, to all teachers and parents, without distinguishing that teachers and parents receive only the information about students that concerns them. |
Link: | link |
Related articles: | Art. 5 GDPR, Art. 6 GDPR, Art. 9 GDPR, Art. 2-ter Codice della privacy, Art. 2-sexies Codice della privacy |
Type: | Insufficient legal basis for data processing |
Fine: | EUR 1,500 |
Sector | Public Sector and Education |
All data is based on The CMS’s Law GDPR Enforcement Tracker Source: