
Summary The Spanish DPA has imposed a fine on UNITED PARCEL SERVICE ESPAÑA LTD. Y CIA SRC a fine. A person had filed a complaint against the controller because a package addressed to them was delivered to a store and not to their home without their consent, resulting in their postal address and telephone number being disclosed to third parties. The DPA considered this to be a violation of Art. 5 (1) f) GDPR and Art. 32 GDPR. The original fine of EUR 140,000 was reduced to EUR 84,000 due to voluntary payment and admission of guilt.
Link: link
Related articles:  Art. 5 (1) f) GDPR, Art. 32 GDPR
Type: Insufficient technical and organisational measures to ensure information security
Fine: EUR 84,000
Sector Transportation and Energy


All data is based on The CMS’s Law GDPR Enforcement Tracker Source:

Tags: case law